SCRIPT - FINAL - There are 3,127 maintained secondary schools, with 3,055,460 pupils.
In sidney stringer alone there are over 1200 students 

WIKI ANSWERS-2007 million tonnes of paper and cardboard is used in the united kingdom every year. Over 4kg of waste paper per household in the UK each week!

7200 pounds of paper per year

How much paper is used to write something on a blog? 


How many letters do you need to send to parents to let them know about parents evening times and events that are taking place? 

Not one piece of paper is needed to send a text to every parents house. 

Forgot your homework? Dog ate it, you was away, you never knew what it was? 

Get tweeted homework and coursework, useful websites, videos, images etc, it starts with you, a keyboard and the worldwideweb 

INTERNET WORLD STATS- there were 51,442,100 Internet users as of June/10, 82.5% of the population so why don't we use it within classrooms 

90 trillions emails are sent a year 
There are over 234 million websites on the internet 
126 millions blogs are over the internet 
4 billions pictures are uploaded to flickr 
1 billion total number of videos on youtube a day
There are 1.73 billions internet users worldwide 


there is only one person using the world wide web i your classroom 

We are part of a revolution that has evolved into technology and data and its time we used this in a area where we spend most of our day 

It's time to throw away the notepads and lined paper, its time to grab hold of the closest laptop/computers and start blogging.