factual programmes and issues

Issues of factual programmes 

This report showing of the understanding of the issues that surround factual programmes

Accuracy: research properly as care must be taken over the release of certain contents containing information which may be revealed in the future to be inaccurate, such as medical information or advice, which, if followed, may put people's health at risk.  Where appropriate, the use of context and content information (including, for example, archive branding and labelling) should be considered.

Balance: equality of information in certain subjects such as political content in the mass media.
Also balance can be biased in describing a perceived issue as being more balanced between opposing viewpoints than the evidence actually supports. Journalists may present evidence and arguments out of proportion to the actual evidence for each side, or may even actually suppress information,

Impartiality: having more of a neutral standing on subjects and not being biased to one side or the other this applies to all output and services such as - television, radio, online.

Objectivity: getting main point across being open minded about the point being made about the subject at hand
It refers to the prevailing ideology of news gathering and reporting that emphasizes eyewitness accounts of events, corroboration of facts with multiple sources and balance of viewpoints.

Subjectivity: keeping your personal views/feelings out of the issues as this can lead to more of an one sided view on the matter at hand and become more biased.

Opinion: giving a balanced view this is a subjective belief, or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may oppose certain Opinions from the same set of facts.

Bias: when an argument is completely one sided and ignores the evidence shown by the other party. Practical limitations to media neutrality include the inability of all available stories and facts; to report everything selectivity is inevitable. Certain influences on censorship in the media cause many biased views.

Representation: stereotyping a person/group such as
People, places, objects, events, cultural identities
in a certain way this can be characterised into certain groups:

 Stereotypical view of Asian couples of owning corner shops and small businesses. It is shown in Coronation St with Dev and Sunita
And the Scottish and Irish being seen as alcoholics and constantly drunk

 Representation of the disabled is limited and largely stereotypical.
in the movies, disability is seen as a great storyline - one to inspire pity in audiences and Oscar nominations from your peers. Think Tom Cruise in Born On The Fourth of July these actors are applauded for their fine performances, as though the representation of disability were a particularly
dangerous and skillful thing. While Tom Cruise is prepared to strap himself into a stunt wheelchair, genuinely dis/disabled actors do not get major parts. Amputees get good work in Hollywood as stunt persons, particularly when a film such as AI needs limbless people to attach prosthetics to, but their name is never going to go on the marquee. This is fundamentally wrong - we can only accept the beautiful people pretending to be incapacitated.

Women are reasonably represented in most types of programming. For example, there are high numbers of strong female characters in many soap programmes and we also have a strong representation of female presenters.

Programmes show authentic portrayals of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual characters, and story lines related to their sexuality .For example, Emmerdale featured a story about Aaron Dingle coming to terms with his sexuality. The storyline highlights prejudice often experienced by members of the LGBT community. Aaron Dingle is a tough, menacing character on the show, which contradicts stereotypical portrayals often reflected on television.

Is a big factor in factual programmes especially for women as they are main targets for being fired over their age .
Access : what is needed to make the documentary e.g. people/places/money
Privacy: permission of a person not being shown or their voice heard
Contract with viewer: must keep the same subject through out the programme to keep a consistent audience and not to waiver from




The Main message in this documentary is to exercise how the world is evolving around us. The Use of Media and Internet with the involvement of Social Networks and Blogs is changing the universe around us.  We are becoming Very interactive and the world seems to be getting smaller because people are being able to connect to people from across the world by using Skype to video also the worldwide network of Facebook allows people to search up friends from across the world. By doing this documentary I wanted to show how we could incorporate technology into schools. This is because children and students tend to spend most of their day sitting in school learning, mostly reading from text books or off a powerpoint presentation that the teacher has set up. I want to emphasise how students can get more involved in lessons by having computers/laptops/tablets, where they can access the information they need through something on their desk easily. I also want to show how using textbooks has gotten old and that we should move with the times and become more modern and involved in the world around us seeing that the new building is bringing a new era of technology.


  1. Interviewed People: I could of filmed the people who were being interviewed so that the viewer is aware of who is being interviewed. This also allows the viewer to see the emotion on the face of the interviewed person so that the audience can really feel the emotion of the character. 
  2. The soundtrack: The soundtrack in the back seems to be very slow which could bore people who are used to fast paced things. 
  3. The Colours: The colours of the video could be improved to create a a more vintage old look. 
  4. Brightness: Some Parts of the Documentary seem to be darker then the rest of the video. I need to alter the brightness to create a blend of colours plus to make it look more natural. 
  5. Filming: some of the shots look like they are dragging along and they don't look smooth so i could make the film look much smoother when it comes to filming the documentary.
Why i chose to do this documentary: 

I really want this documentary to make a impact to the school i go to and other schools. The whole point of the documentary is to educate schools and tell them how we need to move with the times to keep kids learning and engaged in class projects and this video demonstrates how students want to and feel that technology such as Tablets and Laptops can be used and useful in a classroom.

What impact has the video had:

A lot of people have watched the video, more then i expected and have approached me to ask for more details about the cause i am putting across. People are supporting the movement and they want to be able to implement technology such as tables pc's and Laptops within their classroom.


  • Target Audience: The targeted audience is for students around the age of 13-20 and teachers between the age of 25+. Basically people who study or teach at a educational centre. 
  • Software used: Adobe Premier was used to put the video and sound together but After effects was used to create the effects on the video. 
  • Shots used: There are a lot of panning shots and close up on books. Some shots pan out into a blurry shot to give it a old vintage feel. there are long shots of People to show their body and so establishing shots of the school to show how many students there are in the school. Close ups where used on peoples feet and medium shots where used to show only the body of the students in Sidney Stringer. 


CILT.org - There are 3,127 maintained secondary schools, with 3,055,460 pupils.
In sidney stringer alone there are over 1200 students 

WIKI ANSWERS-2007 million tonnes of paper and cardboard is used in the united kingdom every year. Over 4kg of waste paper per household in the UK each week!

7200 pounds of paper per year

How much paper is used to write something on a blog? 


How many letters do you need to send to parents to let them know about parents evening times and events that are taking place? 

Not one piece of paper is needed to send a text to every parents house. 

Forgot your homework? Dog ate it, you was away, you never knew what it was? 

Get tweeted homework and coursework, useful websites, videos, images etc, it starts with you, a keyboard and the worldwideweb 

INTERNET WORLD STATS- there were 51,442,100 Internet users as of June/10, 82.5% of the population so why don't we use it within classrooms 

90 trillions emails are sent a year 
There are over 234 million websites on the internet 
126 millions blogs are over the internet 
4 billions pictures are uploaded to flickr 
1 billion total number of videos on youtube a day
There are 1.73 billions internet users worldwide 


there is only one person using the world wide web i your classroom 

We are part of a revolution that has evolved into technology and data and its time we used this in a area where we spend most of our day 

It's time to throw away the notepads and lined paper, its time to grab hold of the closest laptop/computers and start blogging. 


Ideas for backing track in documentary

i like this song because it has a nice, calming tone and it will go with a slow paced documentary. thats the feeling i want to achieve because the song is from who is using youtube to express his talent and thats brilliant because thats the message that i am trying to portray.

This song has a very smooth melody with a bit of bass which is good because it is smoothing but at the same time nice to listen to. The only problem is i ca't find a instrumental for it and i don't want Lana's vocals in the documentary because it may get confusing between what people interviewed are saying and her lyrics. I will have to create a instrumental for it at home which may take time.

the reason i like this instrumental is because it is very jazzy and smooth which i really like because it makes the song feel vintage. More to the reason i want this instrumental is because the feel of vintage in the song emphasises the vintage look i have in my video.

Ideas For The Scripts


  • A daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary. 

Why schools don't use social networks? 

  • some schools see it as a distraction because kids constantly go onto facebook/twitter/myspace to update statuses, tweet or post comments. 
  • kids should be looking deep into books and revision and not socialising with people because schools believe in that students won't learn from socialising with each other.
  • School try to prepare for you the real world and that involves a lot communication skills. Social networks allow people to connect and talk to each other plus they can connect to someone from across the globe instantly whereas in a school you'll read about cultures and ethnics in a book and not really understand how people really experience the social and traditional events people take part in across the world. 
2 different characters 

  • Does my school influence the things i do outside of school such as my music and my own youtube channel. 
  • Does my school promote my music and does it tell people/staff what i do outside of school. 
  • Can my social life help promote ideas and events in school.
  • does social networking help build up the reputation of the school.
  • Can writing blogs about lessons and putting up useful statuses help other people across the world? 

    Other Topics

    Interracial Relationships:

    • Do people accept it in modern society
    • What do the people they hang around think about their relationships
    • Do families accept it
    • How do people in interracial relationships feel about their relationship 
    • How do people in interracial relationships feel about how people judge their relationship 
    • Do people think interracial relationships are right? 

    Abusive relationships 

    • how do people get cope in abusive relationships 
    • what do they think of their partner when they abusive them 
    • what do they do when they get abused 
    • do they feel their partner loves them even after they get abused 
    • do they want to spend their future with their abusive partner 
    • are both members of the relationship abusive to one another 
    • do they want to get out of the relationship 
    Abuse in mosques 

    • Do parents expect their kids to be beat when they get something wrong 
    • How do kids feel about getting beat by their mosque teacher 
    • How hard should a child be hit 
    • Is it islamic right? 


    Effect Of The Film:

    As you can see in the picture above, me and my partner have decided that we want that effect to the film.  we have chosen this effect because it seems vintage and old which is a great idea because we are trying to introduce a new form of Reading.

    Famous Social Networks:

    • Facebook - Social Network, launched in feb 2004 by young billionnaire Mark Zukerberg, Revenue - £4.27Bn
    • Twitter - Social Blogging Network created by Dick Costolo, with a network revenue of $140m launched in july 2006 

    DIGITAL LITERACY: TAKEN FROM WIKI (will put into own words when writing script) 

    Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and analyze information using digital technology. It involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how it can be used. Further, digital literacy involves a consciousness of the technological forces that affect culture and human behavior.  Digitally literate people can communicate and work more efficiently, especially with those who possess the same knowledge and skills.

    Schools are continually updating their curriculum for digital literacy to keep up with accelerating technological developments. This often includes computers in the classroom, the use of educational software to teach curriculum, and course materials being available to students, online. Some classrooms are designed to use smart boards and audience response systems. These techniques are most effective when the teacher is digitally literate, as well.

    Teachers often teach digital literacy skills to students who use computers for research. Such skills include verifying credible sources Online and how to cite Web sites. Google and Wikipedia are used by students "for everyday life research."
    Educators are often required to be certified in digital literacy to teach certain software and, more prevalently, to prevent plagiarism amongst students.

    Global Impact
    Government officials around the world have emphasized the importance of digital literacy for their economy. According to HotChalk, an Online resource for educators: "Nations with centralized education systems, such as China, are leading the charge and implementing digital literacy training programs faster than anyone else. For those countries, the news is good."

    Documentary Inspiration

    Urban Sports

    • Interviews - you don't always need to have the camera on the person your interviewing, professional advice or talk more reliable. interview footage cut in with what people are doing with other cuts are as well. 
    • Names of people - Adding their name and what their occupation is
    • Cuts - have different scenes cut from interviews to the person riding their bike or skateboarding. record things resembled to what the person is saying eg. if they are talking about a director, cut to the scene of a man holding a camera or directing. 
    • Camera shots - a lot f close up on faces when you are doing an interview to show emotion. some scenes the camera man doesn't have the camera on a tripod still but he rides along with the person performing which gives the audience a feeling of the bumps and rinds the performers performs or gets. A lot of the footage is shot on the streets which could be linked to the fact the title of the documentary is called the concrete circus. 
    • Footage - added home videos to the footage because the person getting interviewed was talking about their childhood. 
    • Music - a lot f urban music, such as rapping and hip hop. A lot of inspirational music. 
    • Sounds - a lot of voice overs which describe the scene and use a lot of facts.