

The Main message in this documentary is to exercise how the world is evolving around us. The Use of Media and Internet with the involvement of Social Networks and Blogs is changing the universe around us.  We are becoming Very interactive and the world seems to be getting smaller because people are being able to connect to people from across the world by using Skype to video also the worldwide network of Facebook allows people to search up friends from across the world. By doing this documentary I wanted to show how we could incorporate technology into schools. This is because children and students tend to spend most of their day sitting in school learning, mostly reading from text books or off a powerpoint presentation that the teacher has set up. I want to emphasise how students can get more involved in lessons by having computers/laptops/tablets, where they can access the information they need through something on their desk easily. I also want to show how using textbooks has gotten old and that we should move with the times and become more modern and involved in the world around us seeing that the new building is bringing a new era of technology.


  1. Interviewed People: I could of filmed the people who were being interviewed so that the viewer is aware of who is being interviewed. This also allows the viewer to see the emotion on the face of the interviewed person so that the audience can really feel the emotion of the character. 
  2. The soundtrack: The soundtrack in the back seems to be very slow which could bore people who are used to fast paced things. 
  3. The Colours: The colours of the video could be improved to create a a more vintage old look. 
  4. Brightness: Some Parts of the Documentary seem to be darker then the rest of the video. I need to alter the brightness to create a blend of colours plus to make it look more natural. 
  5. Filming: some of the shots look like they are dragging along and they don't look smooth so i could make the film look much smoother when it comes to filming the documentary.
Why i chose to do this documentary: 

I really want this documentary to make a impact to the school i go to and other schools. The whole point of the documentary is to educate schools and tell them how we need to move with the times to keep kids learning and engaged in class projects and this video demonstrates how students want to and feel that technology such as Tablets and Laptops can be used and useful in a classroom.

What impact has the video had:

A lot of people have watched the video, more then i expected and have approached me to ask for more details about the cause i am putting across. People are supporting the movement and they want to be able to implement technology such as tables pc's and Laptops within their classroom.


  • Target Audience: The targeted audience is for students around the age of 13-20 and teachers between the age of 25+. Basically people who study or teach at a educational centre. 
  • Software used: Adobe Premier was used to put the video and sound together but After effects was used to create the effects on the video. 
  • Shots used: There are a lot of panning shots and close up on books. Some shots pan out into a blurry shot to give it a old vintage feel. there are long shots of People to show their body and so establishing shots of the school to show how many students there are in the school. Close ups where used on peoples feet and medium shots where used to show only the body of the students in Sidney Stringer.